Monday 10 March 2025

Cardinal Theme

The Role of Job Satisfaction and Ego Strengths in Marital Satisfaction in Military Staff in Tehran

Aims: The present study was an attempt to examine the predictive ability of job satisfaction and ego strengths regarding marital satisfaction in military personnel in Tehran, Iran. Methods: It was a correlational study carried out on 330 military staff selected using random cluster sampling. For the purpose of data collection, three questionnaires were used: ENRICH Couple Scale, Job Descriptive Index (JDI), and the Psychosocial Inventory of Ego Strengths (PIES). Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used for data analysis. Results: Job satisfaction and ego strengths were observed to have a positive and significant relationship with marital satisfaction. Results from regression analysis indicated that ego strengths such as wisdom, fidelity, love, care, and job satisfaction including rights and benefits can predict marital satisfaction. Conclusion: It seems that being aware of the effects of job satisfaction and ego strengths can help increase marital satisfaction in military personnel and prevent from family problems in them.


Mohsen Kachooei
Ali Fathi-Ashtiani